Wednesday, June 17, 2009


As I sit here in my room at midnight on the last night of the trip, one word comes to mind - thanks! Thanks to the Missouri Electric Cooperatives that make this trip happen. Thanks to 9 GREAT chaperones that made this trip not only safe, but lots of fun. And thanks to 85 of the most amazing kids I have ever met. In one week, I have seen them laugh, cry, sing, and make new friends. I have learned about their families, their future goals, and their love for this country. I have watched them grow, and I am blessed to be a part of that. So again, THANKS for letting me share in this awesome week!
Mike Marsch

1 comment:

yotochap09 said...

The Missouri Electric Cooperatives are awesome to be so committed to this trip! Mike if it wasn't for you, Nikki and Christian we coop folks wouldn't have the opportunity to send such great young men and women. This group was exceptionally great and I feel it a blessing to be a part of the trip. If a reunion is planned let me know. Remember what Mike Schlapi? said - IF YOU CAN STAND UP STAND OUT! Stay in touch - Jeff